Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Tidbit Tuesdays - Closing the Fence

In response to the recent break-ins that have occurred near the fence separating our property from the conserved area, the board decided to inquire about installing gates in the fence. The story that has always been told by various owners is that the conserved area needed access per the county and no gates could be installed.

Given our recent success with recycling (after years of being told we were not allowed), the board contacted the department of parks. We were given permission to install gates, and promptly approved and completed the project. (From the first call to the parks department to the install was 8 days.) As you can see, we now have 3 locked gates where there used to be open access. Hopefully this will help deter future mischief, but please remember to continue to put away valuables and lock your vehicle at all times.

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