Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Tidbit Tuesdays - Perimeter Walking Path

The Perimeter Walking Path

Located just within the Retreat property lines facing the woods and crisscrossing our property line with the apartments, the perimeter path is a wonderful amenity for our residents. Daily, you can see everything from dog walkers and baby strollers to runners and bikers enjoying this pathway.   

The path was resurfaced about four years ago with local shell sand and measures approximately 1260 yards or 7/10 of a mile. Over the past year, we have installed several solar powered motion lights along the darkest areas of the pathway between buildings 700 and 400 in order to improve visibility and deter unwanted guests late at night.

Between buildings 800 and 1100, the path has a wooden bridge that climbs the side of the Civil War earthworks that border and enter our property. (See our previous post.)  Behind 400, a beautiful live oak branch extends over the path, and, if you look around, you might spot a tree with a grin on it.

Near the front gate of our property, you can continue over to a second walking path maintained by the apartments. This path circles the large lake adjacent to the road and has mostly a mulch surface. It measures 565 yards, or slightly less than 1/3 of a mile, and has several nice benches and swings situated around its perimeter.

Together these paths are a great alternative to the mundane miles on the treadmill or a perfect evening stroll.

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