Friday, June 21, 2013

History Right Next Door

Have you ever wondered what those historic preserve signs along our fence really refer to? There was a system of earthworks and fortifications known as batteries built in this area during the Civil War.

Jim Hay forwarded this aerial view courtesy of Grahame Long, Curator of History at The Charleston Museum. The heat sensing imagery reveals (A) The Retreat (B) Earthworks (the zig zag line) (C) Battery 1 (D) Battery Pringle and (E) Stono River. (We'll try to get a larger print of this added to the bulletin boards.) You can learn more by taking the Signature Tour at the Dill Sanctuary's Confederate Fortifications. It’s one of The Charleston Museum Signature Series Tours led by museum curators. The Museum, their two historic houses and their curators can offer unlimited topics for your group, such as decorative arts, women’s history and culinary tours as well as military history. Learn more:

1 comment:

  1. Really cool picture! Its also really interesting to see the cold areas for the tidal creek behind 400.
