Friday, May 10, 2013

Termite Swarming Season

Spring is when termites hatch and fly off in swarms. See the difference between termites and flying ants.

Our contractors at Atlantic Pest Control perform regular termite inspections and apply preventative treatment. Plus, our building exteriors are constructed of brick and concrete siding, so there's nothing visible that termites can harm. So, should we worry?

It's wise for us all to be observant, as termites can actually squeeze behind the outer layers and sink their nasty little teeth into structural wood and other vulnerable materials. Termites can build earthen shelter tubes from the ground into structures for protection from predators and to help maintain a moist environment. Many times these tubes are built on inside walls or porches where they cannot be easily seen. In some cases, if water and wood are available from a source other than the soil, subterranean termites can establish a colony with no ground contact. Isolated, above-ground infestations may occur in buildings where termites have access to water from condensation, leaking pipes, roofs, or other sources.

What to watch out for: swarming termites, tubes of mud along walls or piles of sawdust.

Who to contact if you see a swarm or suspect termite activity: call Atlantic Pest Control at 795-4010 and contact Jen Webb at CMG: 795-8484 or

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