Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Tidbit Tuesdays - Solo Living - Is it time to consider an emergency beacon?

One of our fellow Retreat residents had a recent slip in the shower. While she was able to get to a phone to call for help and is doing fine, we should all take a moment to examine our own situation for these types of emergencies.

Is there someone that knows your normal schedule and would know to check on you if you do not show?

For those of us that work, this may be a co-worker or your boss. For others, it may be a neighbor, classmate, or a family member you talk to routinely. The key is to make sure that if something was to happen, another person would notice something is wrong if you are unable to call for help yourself.

Let someone know where you are planning to go and when you will be expected back.

Taking a walk or a bike ride outside of the neighborhood? Driving to Goose Creek at night? Let someone know where you are going and when you will be back. We cannot predict when things may go afoul, so it's good to know that someone is expecting your return.

Make sure your phone is relatively near you, especially when in the shower. 

While most of us do not have waterproof phones, placing your phone on your bathroom counter as part of your normal routine is a reasonable alternative. This may make it easier for you to get help if you have an emergency.

Life Alert Pendant Have you considered an emergency beacon?

Most of us have seen the commercials for Life Alert where a stranded person presses a button around their neck to call for help. While this may seem a bit paranoid, since most of us do not have emergencies that often. You may want to consider this, or another such product, to make sure that you will be able to call for help easily. Many are waterproof and shower safe. There are even versions that are equipped with a GPS beacon and can be activated anywhere (advertised for the ever roaming college student).

Do you have any helpful tips? Let us know!

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