Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Annual Meeting Recap

We would like to thank everyone who attended the annual meeting at the end of last month. You should have received an email with the minutes, the responses to the questionnaire, and some board responses to the owner feedback comments.

There were quite a few comments/questions about the porches. These were forwarded to the lawyers to ensure they are aware of owner concerns. Please remember this is going to be a long process, and we are currently only in the planning stages.

There were several questions about the flood insurance as well. The flood insurance covers the same items that the master deed policy covers, in the case of rising water damage. So please discuss your individual insurance needs with your agent for any upgrades and personal possessions in the case of flood damage, vs. other types of damage (i.e. wind blown rain, earthquake, fire, etc.).

The board really appreciates all owners' opinions and involvement in the community. We hope to see you at the next quarterly meeting in April. 

Monday, February 23, 2015

Recycling Challenge Has Begun

Have you tried out the new recycling bins for the community? If not, now is the perfect time to start participating! For the next six weeks, we are in competition with other apartment and condo complexes to see who recycles the most.

You can learn about what can and cannot be recycled at the county website  . So collect your glass, paper products and plastics, and take them over to our recycling bins. Let's fill those things up!